Saturday, December 29, 2007


We have made it as far as Frankfurt, Germany and are waiting for our plane to leave for South Africa. The Frankfurt airport is decietful in that it is actually really boring and all the cool things are nowhere to be found!!! Otherwise, we are dealing reasonably well and fighting the urge to sleep. The next flight is ten hours, so we are looking forward to the sleep potential that accompanies such a long time in a cramped space. But, the bright side is that by this time tomorrow we will be in Malawi and can take a shower!!!


Anonymous said...

You guys are sooooo close!! (Btw, I went to soaking prayer at St. Andrew's this morning and you have got to try it when you get back!) God bless and keep!! :)


Duval and Tom Acker said...

Emily & Danielle, thank you for your blog from Frankfort! We were hopeful that the airport would yield some interesting things to do, as our friend has said, but -- you'll be better prepared to take advantage of the layover on your return. Just getting out of O'Hare was cause for a hearty "Thank you, God!". Love to you two, Mommy Acker

Anonymous said...

Thank you both for the link to your blog! You know I'll read with interest and keep you in all my good thoughts. You are going to grow so much it's hard to imagine!

Dr. W.