Sunday, December 30, 2007

We Made It!

Emily and I are officially settled in Mzuzu, Malawi where we'll be staying for the next month. We arrived in Lilongwe (about 4 hours' drive south of Mzuzu) about 3:00 pm our time, and all of our bags managed to make it, too, which is a bit impressive, considering Malawi's track record with checked luggage.
We then rode north for most of the late afternoon through the countryside, which is really beautiful. It's the rainy season here, so everything is green and growing, and the mountains are really beautiful. The roads were pretty clear, as the primary form of transportation for the average Malawian is walking, or maybe a bike. We saw lots of both along the way, as well as the occasional matolo (a minivan that people can pay for rides in, often very crowded)
While we're here, we're probably going to be mostly working to prepare for the community medical clinic at the end of January, beginning of February, and helping with the kids' activities until school starts in a couple of weeks.
We'll have more to tell soon!


Anonymous said...

We are so glad you all made it safely and the medication made it too. I was worried about things maybe getting broken. Dad, Mae and Morgan are here and we all read your blog. How exciting!!!! Can't wait to skype with you.

Duval and Tom Acker said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited, and now, more relaxed -- thank you for writing so quickly. Are y'all exhausted, or did you manage some sleep on the flights? Please give our love IN PERSON to Elaine and to Albert!!!

We are excited to be able to communicate with you. Loving you both, Tom & Duval

Anonymous said...

Hi. I can see you're learning a lot in a short time. Some of your comments remind me a lot of my experiences in West Africa.
The pictures are great.
Rollo (Rhoda)